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Alert Policies are used to generate alerts to your team - if a stream value for a given time window meets the threshold for a condition specified. This guide shows you how to create a new alert policy in your Policies page.

Policies Page

Create a policy

To create a new policy click New Policy on the Policies page

When creating a new policy, you have the following configuration options:

Basic Settings

  • Enabled - Toggle to enable or disable the policy
  • Group - Select which group this policy belongs to
  • Stream - Select which data stream this policy monitors
  • Name - Give your policy a descriptive name
  • Description - Optionally add details about the policy’s purpose
Policy Settings

Alert Parameters

  • Period - Choose the monitoring time window for the policy:
    • Minute - Monitor data over 1 minute interval
    • Hour - Monitor data over 1 hour interval
    • Day - Monitor data over 1 day interval
  • Aggregate - Select how to aggregate data points:
    • Sum - Total of all values emitted in a given time window
    • Count - Number of data points emitted in a given time window
    • Average - Mean value emitted in a given time window
    • Max - Maximum value emitted in a given time window
    • Min - Minimum value emitted in a given time window
  • Condition - Set the threshold condition for the policy in a given time window:
    • Greater Than - Alert when value exceeds threshold
    • Less Than - Alert when value falls below threshold
    • Greater Than or Equal - Alert when value meets or exceeds threshold
    • Less Than or Equal - Alert when value meets or falls below threshold
  • Threshold - The numeric value to compare against for the policy
  • Severity - Set the importance level of alerts:
    • Info - Low priority information
    • Warning - Potential issues
    • Error - Serious problems
    • Critical - Urgent issues requiring immediate attention

Policy Settings

Once you’ve configured your policy - alerts will be generated if the stream value meets the threshold for the condition specified, and members in your team will be alerted via email.


Let’s say you want to monitor a temperature sensor in a server room. You could create a policy with these settings:

  • Name: Server Room Temperature Alert
  • Description: Monitor server room temperature for overheating
  • Period: Minute
  • Aggregate: Average
  • Condition: Greater Than
  • Threshold: 30
  • Severity: Critical

This policy would:

  1. Calculate the average temperature emitted to Chirpier every minute
  2. Trigger a critical alert if the average temperature exceeds 30°C
  3. Notify team members immediately of potential server room cooling issues

This allows for quick response to prevent equipment damage from overheating.

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